23 countries together; full trip collection coming soon ;)
until then, enjoy this montage of KFCs around the world
Montreál, Québec, Canada [1997]
Tokyo, Japan [1999]
Port of Spain, Trinidad/Tobago [1999]
Amsterdam, Netherlands [2000]
Bangkok, Thailand [2000]
Patpong, Thailand [2000]
Berkely, California [2001]
Hollywood, Florida [2001]
New York City [2002]
Budapest, Hungary [2003]
Prägue, Czech Republic [2003]
London, UK [2003]
Santiago, Chile [2003]
Athens, Greece [2004]
World's Largest KFC
Beijing, China [2006]
Shanghai, China [2006]
St. John, Newbrunswick, Canada [2007]